1·Whether the hospital information system is carried out well, the role of network management is a critical key.
2·The QOS should also emphasise critical key parameters of the product and provide, for instance, justification in cases where guidelines were not followed.
3·Critical C4I information is now securely available anywhere there is wireless connectivity, so that there is no time lost and key personnel have the information they need, when they need it.
4·Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are measures designed to track the critical success factors of a business.
5·That first step of building a solid working relationship with all key stakeholders was critical to ARCH being able to deliver aid quickly, to as many animals as possible.
6·High availability is a key requirement for critical database applications.
7·This might mean being able to undertake detailed design of a key aspect of the system, even to the point of being able to represent a critical algorithm in a programming language.
8·Analysis team: Work with the users to capture the key use cases that drive the worst-case performance conditions, such as the peak data load or most critical control scenario.
9·Large companies have key customers, of course, but their corporate success or failure is not as dependent on relationships with a small number of critical customers as a smaller firm's might be.
10·One of the key tools I found critical in my pursuit of personal growth and living a purposeful life is creating my own life handbook.